NCP in the news

Date Posted: 04/20/24

NCP In The News: Cow’s milk & almond milk head toward shootout over water access

(Originally posted by Animals 24-7)


Both dairy & almonds are big water users.  One California industry or the other has to go.


The California watershed may not be big enough for its two most profitable farm commodities,  cow’s milk and almond milk.


Already engaged in a shootout for consumer preference on grocery store shelves,  either the dairy industry or the almond industry may bite the dust,  at least in California,  if other agricultural production and the Sacramento River salmon runs are to survive.


Cows with guns


Dairy farmers and almond growers are not yet literally facing off with loaded six-shooters in the legislative corridors of Sacramento,  the California state capital,  but––heading toward another in a long series of dry summers occasioned by global warming––a showdown may be just ahead as state agencies and government are forced into hard choices they would prefer not to make.


Both the California dairy and almond industries are already gigantic and getting larger.



Read the full article…






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