Date Posted: 05/06/22
I keep a wide variety of frozen vegetables in my freezer, how about you? Sometimes I wonder if I will ever use them all. But, the reason behind it is that I have a bad habit of not eating fresh veggies before they go bad. I always set out with the best intentions, buying all different types of greens, and then, it happens. I forget about them, and when I’m ready to use them, they are all soggy and spoiled. Ugh! So, one of my solutions (besides better meal planning) was to buy more frozen vegetables (of course I still buy fresh, too!).
On NCP’s Facebook page, we recently asked if there was a preference of canned vs. frozen vegetables. Most of our panel members and followers said they prefer frozen over canned.
A recent weekly Instant Poll on NCP’s panel member website asked “What type of vegetables do you buy most often?” The results of this poll were Fresh 51%, Frozen 28%, Canned 20%, and 1% said they don’t buy vegetables.
So, what do our panel members prefer according to the purchase data we’ve collected? Check out our panel member data from 2021.
1 – Fresh Vegetables
2 – Frozen Vegetables
3 – Canned Vegetables
Green Beans
*Yes, we know, tomatoes are technically a fruit. They are listed as a vegetable for this reference.
Potatoes (includes french Fries and hash browns)
Mixed vegetables
NCP panel members share their important shopping information and influence what you see on store shelves. If you’re not a member and you’re interested in joining, click here to sign-up!